
Showing posts from May, 2022

5 free CAT tools you need to have

Enhance your abilities and productivity with these Computer- Assisted Translation tools Being a translator is a journey of constant learning and actualization. Technology has become a huge part of the job, and knowing how to use the right tools to your advantage will undoubtedly make a difference in your productivity levels and the quality of your work. An example of how technology helps translators is the existence of Computer-Assisted Translation software (not to be confused with Machine Translation).  So if you want to learn about what cat tools are, and know the best free CAT tools for beginners, this article is for you! Table of contents 1. What are CAT Tools? 2. What else can CAT Tools do? 3. Free and beginner-friendly CAT tools 1. What are CAT tools? Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools are, as their name suggests, computer applications aimed at facilitating the work of translators. They have proven to save time for translators, and obtain more accuracy, efficiency, and...

10 life-saving tools for translators recommended by our community

Despite what many translation professors might have told you during your university years, translating is not (always) all about dusty dictionaries and old books. Nowadays, freelance translators must be tech-savvy professionals who are not afraid of technology and the possibilities it may offer. That is why we asked our community to share with us their favorite tools and we put together a list of 10 life-saving tools for translators. After all, freelancing can be hard sometimes. If one tool can make your life easier, why shouldn’t you use it? Table of contents Grammarly   Toggl Asana Sketch Engine  Google Calendar MemSource  SDL Trados Studio Read Aloud Notion Surprise!  1. Grammarly  Grammarly, a cloud-based writing assistant, was hands down the most voted tool by our community, and rightfully so. In fact, Grammarly provides many great features for free, such as reviewing spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes, while the Premium a...

6 percorsi di carriera alternativi per chi ha una laurea in traduzione o interpretariato

  Insegnamento delle lingue straniere, editoria e turismo: ecco alcuni degli sbocchi lavorativi alternativi  che molti siti segnalano per chi si laurea in traduzione o interpretazione. In realtà però, le opzioni sono tantissime : dalla comunicazione al giornalismo, passando per l’assistenza al cliente e la linguistica, le possibilità di mettere in gioco le proprie competenze non mancano. Non ci credi? Ecco sette ex studenti di traduzione e interpretazione pronti a raccontarti la loro storia! Indice dei contenuti 1.        Arianna Ciancaleoni, copywriter e ghost writer 2.        Daniele Piazzolla, digital specialist 3.        Alessandro Bai, giornalista e traduttore 4.        Giorgia Trentini, assistente al cliente 5.        Antonio G. Contarino, terminologo 6.        Irene Celebrin...