6 tips for boosting your legal translations

Legal translation is a specialization that not only requires an in-depth knowledge of both the source and target languages, but also a grasp of legal terminology. Of course, it helps if you are able to get familiar with a specific area of the law or the legal system of the target language country you are serving. But that doesn’t mean to say you need a law degree in order to competently translate legal texts. Here are 6 simple tips that will help ensure that the legal translation you produce is highly accurate and relevant to the specific needs of your client. Table of Contents 1. Discuss how the document will be used 2. Create a glossary 3. Don't forget the dialect 4. Get to grips with the legal system 5. Be clear about formatting 6. Keep lines of communication open 1. Discuss how the document will be used Some legal translations are required for nothing more than information purposes, while others will be referred to in a court of law. Having a clear under...